Mixtapes for Laurel: WORK

When Laurel and I first began dating, we made each other a series of mixtapes, not the most original idea, but it was an important part of our getting to know each other. For me, I decided to make a series of four discs BULL WORK BIRD SONG that were both a play on Laurel’s last name (Bastian = bastion = bulwark = BULL WORK) and presented a collection of connected, themed songs.

The first two discs (BULL and WORK) featured only songs about animals (bulls, etc.) and the second two (BIRD and SONG) featured songs about birds and singing, respectively. Here’s the second disc, WORK:

[Note: Spotify’s library did not include two songs from this mix: Hugues Aufrey and Alain Souchon’s “L’Homme Dota D’Un Nom Chaque Animal” and Apostle of Hustle’s “Animal Fat“.]

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